
Avi Romanoff

Enthusiasm Evangelist

Attack of the Settings

Cassidy James Blaede

Former Co-founder & CXO

Updates for January, 2022

What’s new in OS 6.1, plus shifting development to OS 7

2021 UI Study Results

Digging into the dock, multitasking, and more

elementary OS 6 Updates for November, 2021

New features and improved design to get ready for the holidays

elementary OS 6 Updates for September, 2021

Big updates to AppCenter

elementary OS 6 Odin Available Now

It’s finally here, and it’s the biggest update to the platform yet

elementary Developer Week 2021

Online · June 26–27, 2021 →

elementary OS 6 Beta 2 Now Available

Installer, Flatpak, Online Accounts, Notifications, and more since Beta 1

elementary OS 6 Beta Available Today

What’s a beta, and what’s new for developers?

The New elementary Store is Here

Stand-alone, open source, and much more flexible

Hardware Improvements Coming to elementary OS

Working with device makers shows how a rising tide lifts all boats

Our 2020 in Review

…what a year.

elementary OS on Raspberry Pi

Continuing our experimental Early Access builds

How to Revitalize Your Mac or Windows PC

Bring back a struggling computer with elementary OS

Slimbook Joins the elementary OS Retailer Program

Plus, additional models from existing retailers

Let’s Talk elementary OS 6

Updates for July, plus early access to the next major version

Goodbye, Bountysource

We’re leaving Bountysource. Here’s why.

Now Shipping elementary OS

Over a dozen models from two retailers, and counting

Hera Updates for May, 2020

Improvements across AppCenter, Files, and more for OS 5.1.5

Hera Updates for April, 2020

Screen Time & Limits, a revamped Applications Menu, deep System Settings search, and more for OS 5.1.4

Hera Updates for March, 2020

OS 5.1.3 brings improvements and fixes across the board

AppCenter for Everyone Remote Sprint

What we accomplished despite postponing the in-person sprint

AppCenter for Everyone Campaign Results

Stats, sprint plans, and more

Hera Updates for February, 2020

Improvements to AppCenter, Files, Code, and more

Stretch Goal: Privacy & Security Sprint

Tackling further improvements to privacy and security in AppCenter and elementary OS 6 →

AppCenter Spotlight: Planner

Never worry about forgetting things again

Hera Updates for January, 2020

Focusing on developers, privacy, and fine tuning

Our 2019 in Review

And looking forward in 2020

Introducing elementary OS 5.1 Hera

A major update on a solid foundation

Rebuilding elementary OS

Our road to a better release process, automated builds, and more

Updates for October, 2019

The Flatpak Update. Plus: prepping for LAS and wrapping up Hacktoberfest.

Updates for September, 2019

Updates to apps, settings, and more—plus kicking off Hacktoberfest

Updates for August, 2019

Plus some info about the 5.1 release

elementary at GUADEC 2019

Hanging out with GNOME in Thessaloniki, Greece

Welcome to the New Blog

Why we left Medium, and how!

Updates for July, 2019

Lots of small updates, and a new blog!

Licensing for our Written Content

Using Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Get Settled into elementary OS with Onboarding

Designed to improve the first-run experience

The Need for a FreeDesktop Dark Style Preference

It’s time for the FreeDesktop to catch up

2019 UI Study Results

Regarding Custom Styles, Dark Modes, and Night Light

In my time contributing to elementary and GNOME, I’ve become familiar with pleas from users to implement official support for arbitrary themes — while that itself is a large and controversial topic, I have been working over the past few years to...

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Developer Tips: GitHub Workflow

Best practices to make development faster and easier

elementary AppCenter + Flatpak

Preparing for the future

Parental Controls & Metered Data Hackfest

Working with GNOME on shared features

Accessibility Features Are Just Features

An OS-wide curb-cutting effort

AppCenter Website Updates

Release notes, prices, and more

GNOME’s New App Icons Drop Pixel-Precision and Hinting

What it means for elementary OS

Privacy and elementary OS

How we protect your data from ourselves and others

AppCenter Spotlight: Fondo

Find the most beautiful wallpapers

AppCenter Spotlight:

Publish a thought in seconds

elementary OS 5 Juno is Here

Refinement, Productivity, & an Improved Developer Platform

AppCenter and Content Ratings

Using open standards to empower users and parents

We’re Back from LAS 2018

Sharing knowledge and wisdom in Denver, Colorado

AppCenter Spotlight: Minder

Create, develop, and visualize your ideas

Why We Use “Checks” in Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

Checkboxes and radio buttons are honestly used pretty sparingly in elementary OS, and even more sparingly together. When they are used, it’s fairly obvious from context whether it’s a multi-select or exclusive-select situation. Further, with radio buttons it can be...

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Introducing New AppCenter Sharing URLs

Easily share apps to users whether or not they’re on elementary OS

AppCenter Spotlight: Tootle

Lightning fast client for Mastodon

Developer Tips: Backgrounding & System Integration

Best practices for making your app a first-class citizen

AppCenter Spotlight: Transporter

Hassle-free file sharing

Why the Looped Square (⌘) Symbol?

Let’s talk about elementary OS 5 Juno

Introducing New AppCenter Categories

Better for both users and developers

Scratch is now elementary Code

More than a name change

Cleaning Up App Codenames

GitHub and RDNN make for a more sane scheme

Building the Future of elementary OS

Why AppCenter is the center of our platform

What is HiDPI

and Why Does it Matter?

Switching from macOS: Open Source

What exactly is Open Source about and why does it make elementary OS better?

Switching from macOS: Hardware

In the Apple world, you have one choice for hardware: whatever Apple makes. With elementary OS, your options are far more vast.

Switching from macOS: Creative Work

What it’s like to do creative work or work alongside a designer on elementary OS

Switching from macOS: Developer Environment

Part 2 of a 5-part series

Switching from macOS: The Basics

Part 1 of a 5-part series

GNOME West Coast Summit


Or, “Why we make you type $0”

While our desktop developers are hard at work making Freya happen (we just released beta 2!), our web developers and many new contributors are collaborating over at GitHub to bring our new website to life.

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A Music App Shouldn't Be a Podcast App

10×10 Design Process

The problem and a possible solution

Hello, Luna Beta 1

Managing Criticism on Both Ends

I’ve been working with elementary and the community for quite some time now, and I’ve gotten a pretty good feel for the individuals that make up the awesome team. Not only that, but I know the direction of the project...

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Eating Our Own Dogfood


Eating your own dog food. Taking what you dish out. Talking the talk and walking the walk. It’s a seemingly simple concept that has very important ramifications for the entire development process. If you’re an elementary contributor, developer, or someone...

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Danielle Foré

Founder & CEO

Happy Holidays! We Come Bringing Gifts!

It's already time for OS 8 updates

elementary OS 8 Available Now

Carefree because you're cared for

Package Releases Are Almost Done, You Won't Believe What Happens Next!

A brief update with important features

Surprise! Big Updates for OS 7 Are Here!

And a progress update on OS 8

It's Disability Pride Month! Let's Get Accessible

OS 8 progress and community updates from June

Happy Pride! Have Some Updates!

OS 7 Updates and OS 8 progress during May

Visualizing The Finish Line

OS 8 progress during April

The System Settings Redesign Has Landed

OS 8 progress during March

GTK 4 Porting And A Bit Of Whimsy

OS 8 progress during February

OS 8 Now Available in Early Access

Plus a new version of Code

OS 7 Updates and More OS 8 News

Updates from the end of the year and the holidays

Let's Talk OS 8

Development on the next major version of elementary OS has begun

elementary OS 7.1 Available Now

Made with care, with you in mind

One Last Bug Fix Update Before The Big One

Updates for August, 2023

New Features For Mail, A More Personal Lock Screen, And System Settings Improvements

Updates for July, 2023

Big Feature Updates for Accessibility, Privacy, Security, and More

Updates for June, 2023

Getting in shape for summer

Updates for May, 2023

New features and settings, improved performance, and fewer bugs

Updates for April, 2023

Spring cleaning is in full effect

Updates for March, 2023

Big new features and a mountain of bug fixes

Updates for February, 2023

elementary OS 7 Available Now

Forward thinking and designed for real life

Updates for November, 2022

We heard you like clicking, so now you can click when you click

Updates for October, 2022

Oh yeah, it's all coming together

Updates for September, 2022

A new developer tool and steady OS 7 progress

Updates for August, 2022

Plus, our plan for responsive apps

Updates for July, 2022

A big themes update for Terminal and OS 7 progress

Updates for June, 2022

The focus turns back to OS 6 while we're stuck on OS 7

Updates for May, 2022

OS 6 still gets the latest goodies

Updates for April, 2022

Counting down to OS 7

elementary OS 6.1 Available Now

We come bearing gifts and Yule tidings!

elementary OS 6 Updates for October, 2021

All the small things

elementary OS 6 Updates for August, 2021

Just three weeks since the release, and we already have more goodies

AppCenter Dashboard Sprint Spring 2021

Big steps for the Flatpak-based AppCenter

Cheers to 10 Years

elementary OS rounds out its first decade

Look & Feel Changes Coming to elementary OS 6

Visual design updates that are more than skin deep

Multi-touch Gestures in elementary OS 6

Our swipiest operating system ever

Dark Style Progress for elementary OS 6

The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural

Platform Changes in elementary OS 6

New technology that improves your experience

Leaving Google Analytics is Finally Plausible

Reviewing another big step towards privacy and transparency

Hera Updates for June, 2020

Fixes and improvements with OS 5.1.6, plus a note about the future

AppCenter for Everyone

Taking the indie, open source app store to the next level →

Say Hello to the New Greeter

Our redesigned login and lock screen

Today Is My 30th Birthday

And I have a small request

Juno Updates for April, 2019

New settings, redesigned dialogs, smashed bugs, and more

Juno Updates for March, 2019

While we made a pretty big announcement on April 1, March wasn’t without its own hard work

A New Native File Chooser

And how you can get your apps ready for it

Juno Updates for February, 2019

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Juno Updates for January, 2019

We’re back from the holidays with plenty of updates

Our 2018 in Review

A look back at the past year of elementary

Juno Updates for December, 2018

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Juno Updates for November, 2018

It’s not the end of the cycle, it’s just the beginning

Things We Learned at GUADEC 2018

You can drink on the beach in Almería

Building the Next Generation of Apps

Platform improvements and goals for Juno

Meet the Upcoming Installer

Making elementary OS more “gettable”

About AppCenter Payments

Building a sustainable app ecosystem

Our 2017 in Review

Looking back on a year of active development

Every month this year, we’ve published a blog post outlining all of the updates that we’ve released during that month. We’ve made a strong effort to support Loki with regular bug fixes, new features, and other improvements. We’ve also made...

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AppCenter & the Future of the Universe

How elementary OS can “cross the chasm”

Peace Out, About Dialogs

and hello metadata standards

So You Wanna Publish on AppCenter

Helpful tips, common pitfalls, and frequently asked questions

elementary + GitHub

We’ve completed our move

You Are Not the Product

A reminder about our stance on advertising and tracking

Making System Settings Access a Cross-Desktop Feature

A new cross-desktop URL scheme specification

Busting Major Myths Around elementary OS

A look at the facts

The open source desktop landscape is complicated. There are many distros, many desktop environments, and so many things to know about each of them. We often see folks fall into some of the same pieces of misinformation when reporting on...

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We’re Now Hosting

RE: Geary

Continuing the legacy

Sometime last year the Yorba website was subtly changed from “Yorba is a non-profit free software group” to “Yorba was…”. This made us very, very sad at elementary. Before that, we’d been working on building a better relationship with Yorba....

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Our 2015 in Review

To get into the New Year’s Eve spirit, here’s our year in review!

We can’t believe that 2015 is almost over! It’s been a great year for elementary. So much has happened and we’re super excited to see what 2016 has in store. To get into the New Year’s Eve spirit, here’s our...

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What’s Up With HiDPI Icons?

Thoughts from the GNOME WestCoast Summit

Goodbye Sourceforge

Our time with them has come to a close

Why we write elementary apps in Vala

A tremendously effective tool for our needs

The Heuristics of Headerbars

What's (Still) Up With Window Controls?

In my original post, “What’s Up With Window Controls?”, I outlined some of the things we were thinking about window controls in elementary and the beginning of an experiment. As of now, we’ve been running that experiment for about a...

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What's Up With Window Controls?

It’s the stuff of epic flame wars. “My button position is better than yours” surely gets the blood boiling. So let’s take a second and talk window controls. What do they do, why do we have them, what order should...

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Distros, Platforms, and Where We Fit In

We often get asked to distribute software like LibreOffice, Firefox, Google Chrome, WINE, applications that use Qt, etc. And for the traditional Linux distribution this is a perfectly reasonable request. The typical distro make up for home users consists of...

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David Hewitt

Desktop Engineer

elementary OS on Pinebook Pro

An experimental case of hardware enablement

Joey Sneddon

OMG! Ubuntu!

Karen Sophia

Customer Engagement

A Wild Karen Sophia Has Appeared!

And she’s bringing stickers back

Keli Grubb


New Hera ISO Available for Download

Our new release process brings us elementary OS 5.1.2

Eric Londo

Editor of Linux++

Linux++ Interviews Cassidy

An excerpt from Linux++ issue 20

Peter Uithoven

Front-end Developer

Juno Updates for June, 2019

A Few Little Big Fixes

Juno Updates for May, 2019

New features and fixes


The Linux Experiment

Cassidy on GNOME, Themes, and More

The Linux Experiment interviews Cassidy for a video