Archive Page 16

Juno Updates for November, 2018

It’s not the end of the cycle, it’s just the beginning

elementary OS 5 Juno is Here

Refinement, Productivity, & an Improved Developer Platform

AppCenter and Content Ratings

Using open standards to empower users and parents

We’re Back from LAS 2018

Sharing knowledge and wisdom in Denver, Colorado

AppCenter Spotlight: Minder

Create, develop, and visualize your ideas

Why We Use “Checks” in Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

Checkboxes and radio buttons are honestly used pretty sparingly in elementary OS, and even more sparingly together. When they are used, it’s fairly obvious from context whether it’s a multi-select or exclusive-select situation. Further, with radio buttons it can be...

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Introducing New AppCenter Sharing URLs

Easily share apps to users whether or not they’re on elementary OS